Sunday, December 7, 2014

Fall in Japan (written by Scott)

The phrase, "Fall in Japan" can have more than one meaning.  This entry could be a catalogue of our trips, spills and missteps in this beautiful country.  It could reference a non-existent decline in our circumstances while in the Land of the Rising Sun.  Predictably, however, it is neither of the above but rather a focus on the beauties of God's creations in their move toward the cold, dark Winter season that lies ahead.  You may not believe that the following photos were taken with a simple in-phone camera.  They have not been touched up nor has color been added.  

The vibrancy and brilliance of the colors shown are a testament to a Heavenly Father who loves His children and adorns His creations with beauty beyond compare. 

This next photo is not a postcard.  This was taken with the same in-phone camera.

Another one of God's beautiful creations--tolerating my embrace.

These next photos show the variety of colors present on any one maple tree in Autumn.

One tree transitions
Red, yellow, orange, green, gold
Fall is God's pallet

Autumn berries against a bamboo fence.

Tufted moss shares space with a delicate young fern in the crack of a sidewalk.

Hydrangeas fading in beauty--respectfully allowing the maples their due. 

My beauty!

The beauty and symmetry of bamboo amid wispy straw.

A rare day where bashful Mt. Fuji made an appearance.

A rare day where Mt. Fuji granted us a clear view

How about these photos for jigsaw puzzles?!


  1. Oh, these make me miss Japan so much! I served in Tokyo North but had a chance to visit Kyoto when my mom came to pick me up. I am of course loyal to Tokyo area, but Kyoto made me question my resolve - what an amazing place! So glad that you have the chance to be young and vibrant with the kids all grown, and you have the chance to live in Japan during these empty nesting years! Gosh, what an amazing chapter. And what beautiful photos, by the way! Coming up soon is Christmas cake (haha) and mochi pounding for the New Year! Much love from Chapel Hill, NC xoxo Metta Prieto and the family

  2. Wow! Scotty, you are a photographer, a poet, a Man of God! Is there anything you can't do????
