Sunday, September 14, 2014

Pumpkin Kit Kats and Mt. Fuji

Finally!  They are on the shelf…along with the other crazy Japanese Halloween candy.  More on this later in the post, or another day.  Let's see how long it takes to read this one.

So, Scott and I have wanted to climb Mt. Fuji for some time now.  There is a short window of opportunity, July through the middle of September and since we aren't here in July..well.  Before we left, I had to ask some advice from an expert.

Dear Fuji San,

I have heard most people climb Mt. Fuji in two days, what is your opinion?
Sincerely, Hoping to Make It

Dear Hoping,

Start early, waaay early and buy a walking stick.  The shop will be open at 6:00 a.m.  You can finish your climb in one day if you do accordingly.

On the drive up, there is a musical cleft painted in the road, followed by a painted note followed by (here is where it gets very Japanesey) grooves in the road that play a song when you drive over them.  WHO thinks of that except the Japanese?!  Have fun! Sincerely, Fuji

Dear Fuji San,

I have heard there are 10 stations, or way points, two particular ones that are treasures.  What are they?
Sincerely, So Excited To Go!

Dear Excited,

They are little huts where you can sleep (most people climb over two days) or buy ramen or soup.  Don't buy anything there--they will gouge you!  Take 100 yen coins to have images burned into your wooden walking stick.  It is worth it! Too late in the season and the huts start to close down, Fuji

Dear Fuji San,

How hard is the hike up the mountain?  It doesn't look THAT bad.  Sincerely, Climber

Dear Climber,

For most people it shouldn't be too bad if you are in shape.  However, you will have to climb hand over hand over lava rock after station seven.  Be prepared!  Your walking stick won't help, sorry, Fuji

P.S.  The view down from there is just magnificent.  You should be above the clouds at that point.

Dear Fuji San,
How much water should I take?  Signed, "A Little Concerned About Carrying a Lot of Stuff"

Dear Concerned,

Take four bottles of water, you will need it.  However, be prepared to carry all of your rubbish out as there are NO garbage cans.  Also, with that much water, be sure you bring lots of 100 yen coins as they charge you to use the bathroom (if you can call it that).  Are you sure you still want to climb?  All the best, Fuji

Isn't he darling?  You should have seen him at 12,000 ft.  Oh wait, maybe I have a photo.  

Someone didn't use their 100 yen coins for amenities. 

Dear Fuji San,

I am told that Fuji is 12,389 ft. high. Since we basically live at sea level in Tokyo, can you get altitude sickness?  Sincerely, Dizzy

Dear Dizzy

Yes, after 10,000 ft. you will experience dizziness, headaches and lack of energy.  Your heart will race and your pace will slow.  Buy canned oxygen for 500 yen at Don Quiote in Tokyo and cart it up.  And remember…what you take up, you must take back out.  Sincerely, Don't Pay the 1500 Yen They Charge on Mt. Fuji.

Dear Fuji San,

I have heard it gets really hard the last few 100 ft. or so. I can imagine my dear husband saying at this point, "Let's just stick a fork in this pig," or something like that.  Sincerely, Having Second Thoughts

Dear Thoughts,

Don't look up! It can seem that no matter how many steps you take, the summit never comes.  Keep your head down.  Why are you still going?  All the Best, Fuji

Dear Climber,

I can assume you are just going to go so I will give a bunch of last minute advice.  It is breathtaking at the top.  You will feel such a grand feeling of accomplishment and excitement.  You have done it!

Once at the top, tape your shoes to your socks.  Don't ask, trust and thank me later.  Just go!  Sincerely, Fuji

 Dear Fuji San,

Since they have a post office up here at the summit of Fuji, I am sending this missive.  We made it!  I don't know why you said it was going to be hot--it was freezing.  Aside from the rain and 20-30 mile an hour gusts on the first 1/3 of the trail, we had snow and ice at the top!  They said the temp dropped 15 degrees Celsius since Saturday.  The crater was just gorgeous.  I don't know what I expected, photos I usually see are snow covered.  Incredible.   You are so pretty from far away and up close.  Sincerely, Summiters

Dear Fuji San,

I am saving this note so I can hand carry it down (no rubbish cans and all) and send later.  I am cursing you as I descend.  I know you said it was going to be much harder coming down that going up, but I scoffed at that particular advice.  You didn't mention that the mountain on the way down looked very much like Mordor.  Nor did you say the the decline would be so steep I might wonder that my toenails would fall off.  You didn't mention that it would have been better to zig zag the zig zags so my back wouldn't freeze up, my thighs burn and ache. Had I remembered to serpentine, I might not have fallen on my rump.  I do accept your advice about taping socks to shoes, though.  I feel certain it saved me from having to empty my shoes on a regular basis.  Wishing I Never Came.

Fuji San,

Your words of how it would have been nice to actually ski down Mt. Fuji are ringing in my ears.  That, or carry up cardboard to "surf" down.  I know it took us several hours to summit, but it has been three hours on the descent and no level ground in sight.  Why didn't I listen?!!!

Fuji San,

Okay, I apologize.  I am glad I went.  I love my walking stick!  It reminds me of a fabulous day spent with my dear husband conquering the roof of Japan.  I can do hard things.  Now for the obligatory Mt. Fuji quote,

 “He who does not climb Mt.Fuji is a fool, but he who climbs Mt.Fuji twice is also a fool.”

 Next time: Why plain flavor just won't do for Kit Kats or any snack.

1 comment:

  1. Great narrative! Very clever and informative. I recall seeing Fujisan for the first time from Koiwa after a storm had cleared all the ever present smog. I also recall an investigator telling me, "All roads lead to the top of Mount Fuji," arguing that his beliefs were just as valid as mine and that we could arrive at the same place by taking a different route. You guys look great!
