Friday, September 6, 2013

Whitings in Korea!

My first visit to Korea!  Loved it.   Scott wanted to call it Planes, Trains and Automobiles as we took a taxi to Shinagawa train station, train to Haneda, plane to Seoul, train to Daejeon, auto to who-knows-where, train to Kwangju and then did it all in reverse.  Returned to Miss Independent, who got herself to school, early morning seminary and church all by herself.  Treated her to Shokugo Ramen--see previous post.  She even did her own laundry, but not the dishes.

Some highlights:

See these people?  He used to be the executive VP of Samsung and now he is a humble mission president.  They are the dearest people we met in Daejeon.  She is a fireball and keeps her husband on his toes.  Their chosen English names?  Spencer and Camila--so fitting.  Love them.

They drove us to "Who Knows Where" a few nights ago and I had such a bad headache that my stomach was hurting.  Luckily.  They took us out for Chinese food done Korean style.  I couldn't eat anything without feeling more sick.  Scott kept looking at me like, "I am not sure what I am putting in my mouth, but I am going to be polite, which is more than I can say for you, wimp!"  It looked terrible and I was so happy that I was sick.  So glad I was better the following night as we had Kal Bi--done right!  Best food ever, even better company.

We got a night and part of a day in Seoul after all business was conducted and here is what I saw out my hotel window--a thousand year old wall!  I went exploring and made it to the top.

See the tower?  I made it to the top!  There used to be a fence where couples would lock a padlock to seal their love.  It became dangerous as some had fallen to their death, so the government erected seven trees to accomplish the same purpose.

This was the view from up there!

Gorgeous!  I later went to a market and saw and smelled wonderful things.  I was so busy looking, I only got this one image.  The old woman selling these "things" added a bit of flair just for my photo.  If they are bugs, they were roasted and she had picked all the legs off.  Really, what are they?

Last parting shot of Korea--

So, we are back home.  So weird, Tokyo is home for now.  So weird and yet so wonderful!


  1. Mike loved his time in Korea, and I always wanted to go. I hear the shopping is great! lol We have some military member friends who are there now and love it too. I am glad you had a good trip and your headache got better! I love reading the blog and seeing all of your new adventures! Tell everyone hi!

  2. What an awesome trip!! Lyle served in Daejon and had lots of fun food stories :) Glad to see the Whitings enjoying themselves!

  3. Kyle said they are silkworm larvae. We saw these boiling and steaming on the side of the roads when we walked around Seoul. Kyle ate them on his mission and he said it taste like a bug! He said he didn't like it much, but the kids there like it a a lot!

    So fun reading your blog! Kyle says that "Spencer and Camila" look familiar to him.

    Hugs to everyone!

    1. Love to you both! Tell Kyle they are the Shins. They have lived all over the world, but are Korean through and through.

  4. I just added another item to my bucket list...seal my love with a padlock on one of those trees. Awesome! Thanks for sharing.

  5. I loved hearing about Korea! :) What a nice visit and neat highlights. Such a wonderful place and amazing people! Next time you'll just have to be sure to visit Busan. Yep, the silkworm larvae are called "beondegi" and many a trainer like to take the greeny missionaries to enjoy them their first weeks in the country. I somehow survived my time without ever having to try them. :)

  6. Heather, we are going to do a mission tour in Busan the week after conference. We will send your aloha. Love you.
